types of cardiovascular disease

Ailing Hearts: The 4 Most Common Types of Cardiovascular Disease in the U.S.

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Heartbreaking news: cardiovascular disease kills around 610,000 Americans every year, making it the leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, somebody dies from a heart-related issue every 40 seconds.

Heart trouble can stem from different causes. Multiple types of cardiovascular disease contribute to the astounding number of deaths and many more afflictions.

Understanding the causes of heart disease can help you prevent it in the first place or aid in treating a heart problem you already have.

Common Types of Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease comes in many forms. Read on to learn the different names of heart diseases and how they affect a person’s health.

1. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

CAD leads the list of heart disease names, causing over half of the heart disease deaths, according to the CDC.

Cholesterol normally flows through our bloodstream. But abnormally high levels of LDL, or “bad cholesterol,” create deposits in the arteries during a process called arteriosclerosis. Over time, the plaque blocks blood flow partially or completely.

When this occurs in the arteries that supply blood to the heart, the person develops CAD. Sometimes, the first symptom of this disease is a heart attack. The most common symptom of CAD, angina, occurs when the heart muscles cannot get enough blood due to the reduced blood flow, causing chest pain.

As time goes on, this condition can weaken the heart muscles and cause arrhythmia. Eventually, the heart muscle tires out, leading to heart failure.

2. Hypertension

Hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, affects one in three adults. When blood pressure reaches 130/80 or higher, people carry a significant risk for vision loss, stroke, heart attack, or heart failure.

3. Arrhythmia

Irregular heartbeats happen when the electrical impulses that make the heart beat happen too slow, too fast, or erratically. This affects the heart’s ability to effectively pump blood and can lead to damage or failure of other organ systems in the body.

Arrhythmias may also occur when the heart’s pacemaker malfunctions or the pathway for electrical conduction gets interrupted.

4. Cardiomyopathy

This inflammatory heart disease affects the muscles of the heart.

The heart muscle enlarges and thickens, sometimes becoming rigid. As the muscle weakens, the heart develops an arrhythmia and cannot properly pump blood throughout the body.

Preventing and Treating Heart Disease

Sometimes people inherit heart disease or are born with it, as in cases of certain forms of cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias. However, most types of heart disease are either preventable or treatable.

Obesity greatly increases your risk. Prevent both obesity and heart disease through diet and lifestyle. Sleep an average of eight hours per night, eat a well-balanced diet, and exercise regularly.

If you already suffer from heart disease, you can still live a plentiful life. Follow the doctor’s guidelines for preventing this condition; that alone can stop it from advancing and, in some cases, reverse it.

Talk to your doctor about medications that can improve your quality of life. Eliquis (Apixaban), for example, helps prevent blood clots and stroke in people suffering from different forms of cardiovascular disease. Here is an Eliquis coupon.

Sometimes, surgery can extend a person’s life. For instance, stents and pacemakers allow people to live a fairly normal life despite suffering from heart disease.

Keep Your Heart Healthy

Life brings enough heartache, don’t add to it. Do what you can to keep your heart healthy so you can prevent cardiovascular disease or minimize its impact.

Did you enjoy learning about the most common types of cardiovascular disease? Check out our educational posts for more interesting facts!

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