inspiring songs

10 Inspiring Songs That Will Give You a Boost When You’re Feeling Down

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Music has a hotline to our emotions.

From upbeat bops to get you ready to party on a Saturday night to sad love songs that feel like they both help and hurt during a tough break up, music can evoke a myriad of emotions.

If you’re feeling down, you need a playlist of songs that can lift you up and make you feel like you can take on whatever is bringing you down. While many songs can do this, there are some very inspiring songs that are almost guaranteed to infiltrate your soul and lift your spirits.

Check out these 10 motivational songs to get you moving forward.

1. The Climb by Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus released “The Climb” as a part of her 2009 film for her show Hannah Montana. While it might seem childish to listen to this song that was created for a movie centered around a young demographic, the lyrics of this song can touch people of all ages.

It preaches overcoming obstacles and understanding that things will go wrong and things will be hard, but it’s about the climb we take through life, not about the difficult mountains we have to go up along the way.

2. Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

You probably recognize this song from the famous “Wizard of Oz,” but Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s cover is just as famous as the original. This beautiful soft song complete with ukelele and Isreal’s soft vocals will make you feel calm and happy even when you’re down.

3. Survivor by Destiny’s Child

Once you’ve listened to the slower and more ballad focused “The Climb” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” you’re going to be ready for an upbeat bop that’s going to get you on your feet and strutting forward like you can take on the world.

That’s where “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child comes in. This inspirational song tells you with power female vocals that you are a survivor, you won’t give up, and no matter what you’ll keep on surviving. When you’re down or unmotivated, this song will inspire you to work harder to not only survive, but also thrive.

4. Man in the Mirror by Micheal Jackson

It would be wrong to have a list of inspirational songs without having one by the pop legend Micheal Jackson. Jackson was known for overcoming obstacles and struggling with addiction, which makes his song “Man in the Mirror” that much more powerful.

This song preaches making positive changes to yourself so you can not only grow and improve upon yourself, but on the world overall.

5. Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul, and Mary

This might seem like a wild card, but hear us out. Inspirational songs don’t always have to be intense and introspective. Inspiration and motivation can come from improving your mood and feeling happy and free.

And that’s exactly what the song “Puff the Magic Dragon” will do for you. This silly and happy song will boost your mood even on the worst days. How could a song about a magic dragon who lives by the sea not perk you up?

6. Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson

We’ve all heard the cliche phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” When it’s just said, we don’t always believe it. But when it’s belted out by a female power vocalist to an awesome pump-up beat, it’s hard not to believe it.

This song will inspire you to push through the tough stuff happening in your life. It will remind you that all of the strife or hardship you’re going through now will only help make a stronger you that can push through anything life throws your way.

7. True Colors by Cyndi Lauper

We’ve had a few upbeat bops, but sometimes when you’re feeling down those aren’t what you’re in the mood for. If you want a slower and sweeter song that’s still guaranteed to speak to you during hard times, then “True Colors” is your song.

This award-winning song originally by Cyndi Lauper has inspired covers from artists ranging from Phil Collins to the cast of Glee. It speaks to all sorts of people because the message preaches just that: all people are valid in their true selves.

This song will inspire you to be yourself and show your true colors to the world.

8. So What? by P!nk

Once you’ve meditated with a slower and sweet song, it’s time to get pumped back up with “So What?” by P!nk. What was originally a song to give a symbolic middle finger to an ex-husband has become an inspirational bop about going through a tough time and emerging stronger than ever.

This song exudes independent boss-lady energy that we can all use as a source of inspiration during tough times.

9. Skyscraper by Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is an inspiration herself: a recovering addict who preaches self-love, self-esteem, and confidence for people of all shapes, ages, and sizes. Her song “Skyscraper” also has an inspirational backstory rooted in Demi overcoming struggles in her own life.

It speaks about no matter what you throw at her, she will overcome it and rise above the hate and the struggles she’s going through. Listening to this song makes you feel like you can do that too.

10. All You Need Is Love by The Beatles

Would any inspirational song list be complete without something by The Beatles? We think not, so let’s end off with the famous song “All You Need Is Love.”

If you’re down, uninspired, or unmotivated, this song will remind you of the important things in life. Love, friendship, and kindness will help you get through anything you’re going through.

Let These Inspiring Songs Lift Your Spirits

These 10 inspiring songs are a great start to a motivational playlist you can play whenever you’re feeling sad or unmotivated. While you don’t need to end the playlist with these songs, they’ll be sure to get you going after a bad day.

Check out our blog for more info on how to stay motivated and improve your life.

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