Small Penis Syndrome

Size Does Matter: This Is Small Penis Syndrome

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Around 45% of men are unhappy with their penis size. 

Unfortunately, it’s unclear how many women are unhappy with their partners’ penis size. In the age-old debate of ‘does size matter,’ there’s never been a clear answer. 

But, small penis syndrome is affecting both men and women all over the globe. If you think your penis is too small, there’s a high chance it’s affecting your male self-image. But there’s no need for that; learn the facts, and you’ll see you aren’t alone. 

Read on to learn more about small penis syndrome and what you can do for treatment. 

Know the Facts 

The first thing to understand about small penis syndrome is that it’s a condition where you have a normal-sized penis, but you have anxiety about it being small. 

So, time to get the ruler out and measure your erect penis. If it’s between 5.5 to 6.2 inches, you’re right on average. In this case, if you’re worried about your penis size, you have small penis syndrome. 

Remember that most penises look much smaller when they’re flaccid, hence the phrase ‘it’s grower, not a show-er.’ 

Get Some Psychological Support 

If you still notice anxiety about it even though you know your penis is an average size, it’s time to think about why. 

If you’d prefer to deal with it at home, you can access free, online CBT-style techniques. This will help you identify why you feel that way and help you learn to stop those thoughts in their tracks. 

It can be helpful to talk about how you feel with a sexual partner too; most likely, they’ll be confused and didn’t know you felt like that. If so, it’s great validation that your penis is doing the job. 

If you’re still not feeling great, invest in professional therapy for a deep dive into why all this started; it may be uncomfortable to start, but you’ll feel better in the long run. 

Investigate Cosmetic Fixes 

Sometimes, we just want a cosmetic fix. Enlarging your penis isn’t necessary, but there are many options if you decide to go for it. These include: 

  • Vacuum pumps 
  • Pelvic floor exercises
  • Jelqing 
  • Blood flow supplements
  • Topical creams 
  • Lose weight
  • Penis sleeves
  • Penis extenders
  • Penis enlargement surgery 

Some of these options are more effective, costly, and invasive than others; you can get more info here about each of these tips for increasing penis size.

Before rushing into anything, make sure to do your research and know what you’re getting into. Remember, you have a normal penis size, and psychological support may be more appropriate at the end of the day. 

Small Penis Syndrome: It’s All in Your Head

If you’ve been worrying about whether your penis matches up to expectations, it’s a good thing you’ve learned about small penis syndrome. 

We all come in different shapes and sizes, but psychological support is sufficient to help small penis syndrome. If you do want to take action to help your self-esteem, now you know a few options available. 

Did you find this article helpful? If so, make sure to check out our other posts for more health and lifestyle blogs! 

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