CBD Extract with Recipes Made With It.

DIY CBD Oil: 5 CBD Recipes You Can Make at Home

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Taking CBD has become one of the best ways to combat both physical pain and some of the most trying mental health issues.

With no known side-effects and many ways to consume it, CBD has swept the nation and ever since 2018’s Farm Act, hemp-derived CBD has been available at most health food and naturopathic shops in every state. If you’re not familiar with CBD and its many benefits, then you’ve got some catching up to do, but we can help.

Today, we’re going to talk about CBD and give you some CBD recipes to try out. We’re all used to seeing balms, capsules, gummies, and tinctures in stores now, but not that many people actually try to make CBD-infused things at home for themselves. 

If you’re still a bit skeptical of CBD and all that it entails, this is the perfect place to start. By making your own CBD products, you can see for yourself how a little bit of this substance can take something you might use regularly can give it a serious therapeutic boost.

How Do CBD Recipes Help You?

Cannabidiol is one of the many extracts of the cannabis or hemp plant. When you consume CBD, it interacts with your endocannabinoid system to produce therapeutic effects that are still being heavily researched.

Most of our understanding of what CBD actually does comes from anecdotal evidence and from a few studies on depression, anxiety, PTSD, and childhood epilepsy. A lot of people take it to treat aches and pains that result from various illnesses or activities, as it seems to help with inflammation.

Once you have CBD oil, which is made by taking a hemp or cannabis plant and extracting the CBD, you can make many things. Here are a few of the best CBD recipes. 

1. Straight to Oil

Let’s start with how to make CBD oil, which you can then use to make many of these other products. CBD oils are widely available in stores, but by making your own, you can be sure about what’s going into these tinctures.

Here’s what you’ll need to make the oil:

  • 16 ounces of any oil of your choice
  • 1 ounce of hemp flower
  • A baking sheet, a crockpot, a herb grinder, and a cheesecloth or coffee filter

Here’s how you’ll make the oil:

  • Finely grind the hemp flower. You can use a knife, but a grinder will be better because you want it as fine as possible.
  • Spread out the ground or chopped hemp flower on a baking sheet, set your oven for 225-degrees Fahrenheit and bake for an hour. This is called “decarboxylating” and it transforms the CBD into its active form.
  • Mix the hemp in with your oil in a crockpot and heat on low. Heat for 2-3 hours, or until it’s brownish-green in color. 
  • Remove this mixture and strain it through the cheesecloth or coffee filter, squeezing as much of it as you can into a container.

2. CBD Soap

Now that you’ve got the CBD oil, you can start making topicals. Following a soap or CBD lotion recipe isn’t hard, but only if you’ve made soap before. We’ll quickly go over the soap making process and include the CBD afterward. 

Here’s what you’ll need to make it:

  • 10 ounces of coconut oil
  • 12 ounces of filtered water
  • 4 ounces of lye
  • 1 ounce of lavender oil
  • 5 ounces each of CBD oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, castor oil, and avocado oil

Now, here’s how you make the soap:

  • Make a mold.
  • Combine the coconut oil, CBD oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, castor oil, and avocado oil and heat on low in a stainless steel pot until they’re melted, stirring until mixed.
  • Take the water and lye outside and, with safety gear, pour the lye into the water. Stir until it’s dissolved and let it cool.
  • When cooled to 100-degrees Fahrenheit, pour the lye mixture into the butter and oil mixture and use a mixer to blend it until they have emulsified.
  • Pour into your mold, then cover and insulate for 24 hours, then remove and let it cure for 4-6 weeks.

3. CBD Golden Milk

Golden milk is something a lot of people enjoy putting CBD in. It’s a mixture of turmeric, ginger, and other ancient herbal ingredients that are extremely beneficial for your sleep, immunity, and digestion, among other things. With CBD included, it’s a highly therapeutic beverage.

Here’s how to make CBD golden milk:

  • Get two cups of almond milk, 1 tablespoon each of vanilla extract and coconut oil, 1 teaspoon each of turmeric and maple syrup (or honey), 1/2 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon, and a 1-inch strip of fresh ginger.
  • Add it all to a saucepan and heat on low for around 10 minutes.
  • Pour it into a mug and stir in your desired amount of CBD, then drink.

4. Homemade CBD Gummies

A lot of health-conscious people avoid store-bought gummies because they simply can’t know for sure what they’re consuming. These homemade gummies by Clean Eating Kitchen will help give you more restful sleep. Buy some fun molds and make them with these ingredients:

  • 2 milliliters of CBD oil (a little more or less, depending on the strength)
  • 2 tablespoons each of collagen gelatin (grass-fed, if possible) and raw honey or sweetener
  • 1 cup of fruit juice concentrate of your choosing

Here’s how you make the gummies:

  • Heat the fruit juice in a saucepan to a light simmer.
  • Mix in the gelatin and the honey, stirring until combined. 
  • Remove from heat and mix in the CBD oil.
  • Put your mixture into your mold and put it in the freezer to set, which should take around an hour.
  • Store for around 10 days before consuming.

Experimenting With CBD

Once you’ve mastered these CBD recipes, you can start to branch off and experiment with your own edibles, tinctures, soaps, and topicals. Including CBD in your daily life is something more and more people are doing, but if you experience any side effects (which are extremely rare), stop using CBD immediately.

What’s likely to happen, however, is that you’ll experience the therapeutic benefits of this substance. Once you try using CBD, you’ll see what everyone’s been talking about for the last few years.

Did you enjoy this post? Come back and visit us again for more on CBD, entertainment, health, and fitness.

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