
Make Your Dentist Proud: How to Use the Best Flossing Technique for Your Teeth

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Almost 50% of American adults over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease. This a shocking statistic that is largely preventable.

One of the main ways to prevent gum disease? The answer is simple: flossing.

However, for many people, it’s hard to remember to floss or to know the proper flossing technique.

That’s why we’re outlining how you can use the best flossing technique that will keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape. Keep reading to discover more.

When to Floss

First, let’s start with the basics. It’s recommended that you floss every single day. The timing is less important.

Whether you floss before or after brushing your teeth, it doesn’t really matter. A lot of people floss after brushing their teeth to get any final debris and some do it beforehand as a way to start cleaning their mouth.

The most important thing is that you do it every day for consistently healthy gums. 

Flossing Technique Details

Now let’s talk about flossing technique that will totally impress your dentist. Begin by standing in front of a mirror, preferably in your bathroom. That way you have quick and easy access to a sink.

Next, grab a section of floss that’s between 18 and 24 inches long. Wrap an end on each of your fingers and continue wrapping until you have access to a 2 inch section.

It’s now time to start flossing. Begin with your upper teeth. This way, any particles will fall to your bottom teeth and can be cleaned when you floss the lower area.

Begin on one side of your mouth and move across to the other side. And don’t forget your molars! These can be some of the hardest teeth to reach but they are also some of the most necessary to clean since they’re often neglected.

As you floss, think of your floss as hugging your teeth. This means that it wraps around each tooth, going down to the gumline, and then comes back to the top with up and down motions.

This will ensure that you gather all the debris from between your teeth. When they are clean in this way, you’re helping to prevent gum disease.

Pro tip: also be sure to use a new section of floss for each tooth so you don’t transfer grime from tooth to tooth.

Doing all of these things will help improve your oral health, meaning that you can rest easy knowing that your gums and teeth are being well taken care of.

Closing Thoughts

Now that you’ve read all about proper flossing technique, it’s time to implement your findings. Take these tips into consideration next time you get out your floss.

More than anything, start by committing to flossing every single day. This will set the foundation for your flossing success.

Have questions? Want to learn more? Get in touch with us any time.

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