reward and recognition

7 Key Reasons Why Your Business Needs Rewards and Recognition Programs

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Starting a business is the new American Dream. Individuals now dream of having financial freedom, flexibility, and being their own boss. They want to work remotely from anywhere in the world and having fulfilling experiences. 

But, starting a business also comes with its fair share of challenges. Keeping your employees happy is one such challenge. But, with rewards and recognition programs, you can be one step closer to overcoming this challenge. 

Employees are the lifeblood of any business. They are one of the most important factors alongside your customers. It’s no surprise that your employees are your source of productivity, so they need to be satisfied in return.

How might you benefit?

If you’re interested in starting rewards and recognition programs at your company, then you may be curious to learn about all the potential benefits. In the end, it isn’t only your employees who will see a return on investment. 

Read on to find out more about the benefits of starting rewards and recognition programs at your company. 

Benefits of Rewards and Recognition Programs

Businesses have many different marketing strategies. One such strategy is starting rewards and recognition programs. These programs in and of themselves can improve your business. 

We all look for ways to grow our businesses. We may try a number of things only to see them fall short. We may invest significant capital or work hours and wonder what went wrong. 

While nothing in business is guaranteed, trying new things is beneficial. Having rewards and recognition programs for your employees can also be beneficial. Read on to learn more about these benefits to determine if its a solid investment opportunity for your company. 

1. Customer Appreciation

We all enjoy feeling appreciated. When customers feel like they matter, their trust levels rise. And, people do business with people they like and trust. 

By having rewards and recognition programs for your employees, they will be better at customer service. In short, when employees are satisfied, customers are too.

2. Increases Profit

As a result of rewards and recognition programs, you can increase your company’s profitability. When employees are happy, they not only connect more with customers but also make sales. This return on your investment makes having rewards and recognition programs worthwhile. 

3. Productivity 

Employees that are dissatisfied tend to slack off or miss work altogether. In fact, an increase in missed work days can even mean that an employee is gearing up to quit. As business owners, we all understand how stressful it can be when an employee quits in terms of productivity. 

Having a rewards and recognition program can have the opposite effect. Your programs will give your employees something to work towards. It will give them something to strive for and earn making them more productive overall. 

4. Employee Appreciation

Many employees quit simply because they don’t feel appreciated.

Appreciation is all about acknowledging your employee’s importance to you and your company. By having a rewards and recognition program, you communicate to employees that their efforts are noticed and appreciated.

5. Walk the Talk

If you say you value your employees, then it’s time to show it. If your business prides itself on employee health, wellness, and happiness, then having a rewards and recognition program aligns with this viewpoint. By offering these types of incentives, you are walking the talk.

6. Fair Incentives = Teamwork

If your rewards and recognition programs aren’t fair, then don’t even bother. We all know how terrible it feels when our co-workers make more than us. It can feel equally terrible when they get a raise and we don’t. 

Especially, if a raise is given for unclear reasons. This can make the other employees feel like you’re playing favorites. 

Instead of this traditional approach, use a rewards and recognition approach. This type of approach utilizes clear expectations and incentives. For example, if you make 10 sales in a day then you get a $50 bonus. 

And, this type of rewards approach is available across the board. It should be applicable to all of your employees and not just a few. 

For the recognition portion of the program, it’s also a good idea to present clear guidelines. For example, to receive the employee of the month award an employee needs to receive the most customer satisfaction surveys.

Find out more here about rewards and awards to offer your employees.

7. Better Relationships 

It can be difficult to form meaningful connections in the workplace. Especially, between management and employees. Within these relationships, a power dynamic exists, which can make it hard to interact. 

With rewards and recognition programs, your company will cultivate better relationships. This applies to not only management and employee but also to coworkers. Your employees are sure to cheer each other on and encourage one another to reach their productivity goals. 

Rewards and Recognition Programs: Starting from Scratch

If you’re convinced of the benefits of rewards and recognition program, then you may be wondering how to start one from scratch. 

First, it’s important to determine what you can financially offer your employees. Will discounts be a part of the program? Bonuses? 

Make these decisions alongside your company’s accountant. 

Once you know what your company can afford to offer, then consult with your marketing team. Without some marketing, your rewards and recognition programs can fall flat. If no one knows about the program, then they may not be interested in participating. 

Your marketing team will be able to come up with marketing strategies and materials. Once these materials are created, then you can educate your team on the program.

This is why it’s essential that your marketing team is involved and providing suggestions along the way. 

Check in with your employees on a regular basis to discuss the rewards program. You can also send out an email listing all of the employees that received rewards and recognition each month. It’s also a good idea to post or email the rewards program so that your employees are always aware of the expectations and guidelines. 

Want to learn more about business? Discover more business posts to share by checking out our blog. 

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