bed with book and blanket

5 Gross Types of Mattress Bugs That May Be in Your Bed Right Now

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Pull back the sheets. Hop into bed. Get comfy…

But are you sleeping alone tonight?

It’s very likely that while you’re sleeping, nasty little critters are creeping in and around your mattress. Though you might be sleeping tight, with not a bite on you yet, these gross mattress bugs may be sharing your cozy bed.

1. Most Common Mattress Bugs: Dust Mites

Did you know that approximately 1.5 million dust mites inhabit your mattress at any given time?

What A comforting thought, right?

But before you start hunting around for them with a flashlight, be aware that these mites are minuscule. They only measure about 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters. You can see dust mites through a microscope, but even that is difficult since they are translucent.

Dust mites naturally live on human and animal skin. Therefore, you transfer them from your own body to your bed as you climb in.

The average life cycle of a dust mite is three months. That said, they are easily destroyed, so washing your sheets at least once every couple of weeks can keep these eight-legged micro-bugs at bay.

2. Bed Bugs

Ah, bed bugs. These creepy crawlies have been feeding on human blood for centuries. Bed bugs are blackish bugs the size of apple seeds, and they make their home in your bed. They typically feast on your skin at night.

Are you wondering about how to tell if you have bed bugs? The most obvious sign is when you wake up with little red welts around your legs, and you can’t remember where they came from.

Bed bugs are largely harmless in terms of disease. However, their bites are painful, and they leave smelly feces on your sheets. Though it’s often difficult to do so, it’s important to get rid of them as soon as you’re sure of the infestation.

3. Clover Mites

Clover mites won’t bite, but they will gladly fester in your mattress. These microscopic organisms feed on plants and are less common indoors than the other mattress bugs discussed here, but they can be an alarming nuisance all the same.

Clover mites are reddish-brown beings that invite themselves into your home when their plant-based foods dry up. They can’t survive in extreme temperatures, so they seek refuge in human houses when seasons change.

These bugs leave quite the mess when they’re squashed. Should you kill a bunch of clover mites in your bed, your covers will be covered in reddish spots.

4. Fleas

Does your pooch snuggle up in bed with you?

While sleeping next to your furbaby may benefit your health, it does not help your mattress’s life cycle.

If you insist on letting your pup crawl in bed with you, stay on top of his grooming schedule and flea control.

While flees primarily use cats and dogs as hosts, they can linger in your bed and feed off of you as well. If you find yourself with fleas in your bed, you’ll have to take extensive measures to clear them out for good.

5. Spiders

Since dozens of insects and spiders inhabit every room of the average house, it’s no surprise that spiders make their homes in your mattress.

Spiders are generally harmless to people, but they weave webs wherever they find a dark space. Finding either a spider or its web in your bed is less likely than dealing with mites. Still, older mattresses may harbor more bacteria, which can attract most species of spiders.

Craving More Interesting Facts?

Dealing with mattress bugs is no pleasant task, but the more you know about the possibilities, the easier it is. For more news and practical tidbits, follow our site and come back for new posts every day.

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