woman working in office

5 Must Know Office Moving Tips For a Successful Office Move

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Moving your office is a big step. But if you want to grow your business and team, it’s something that you need to do.

Don’t expect to finish the process in a few days. A successful move can take months to complete.

If you think making a move to a new office is easy, you’re in for a surprise. Follow the five office moving tips below to make your big move a success.

1. Plan Early

There’s nothing worse than scrambling at the last minute. If you want to avoid this, start planning your move as soon as you can.

Before your move, put together a layout of your new office. Everything should have a place before you start moving. Doing this will help your team get everything where it needs to go without confusion.

2. Have Your Staff Pack Their Own Office

Things get messy when you have individual offices mixed in the same boxes. It’s hard to get everything back in the right place when you’re at your new building.

To stop this from happening, have your employees pack up their own office and move it themselves. Doing this will ensure all your office items will get to the right place.

3. Label Everything

If you’ve done proper planning, you should know where everything goes in the new office. But your plan won’t go smoothly if your boxes aren’t labeled correctly.

Make sure you label every box with what’s inside. When you do this, your team won’t need to spend any time digging through boxes to find things.

4. Get Your IT Running Right

One of the most significant complications of any big move is making sure your IT infrastructure is up and running. There is a lot of complexity to wiring everything correctly, so it’s easy to make simple mistakes.

Make sure your IT staff gets things running before doing anything else. Your computers, servers, and phones should be up and ready to go by the time you finish your move.

5. Get Rid of Junk

It wouldn’t be surprising if you had a lot of junk at the office that you don’t use anymore. The problem with this is it takes up space. You probably have a better use for the areas your junk is occupying.

Make sure to gather your junk, so it doesn’t make it on the move. There should be companies in your area who can help with your office junk. Contact them, and they will help get it out of the way.

Follow the Office Moving Tips Above for a Successful Move

It takes a lot of work to move to a new office. But when you follow the office moving tips above, you can save a lot of trouble for yourself. Make sure you plan your move, so you don’t get lost in the details when the time comes.

Once you finish your office move, you can get back to business as usual. Head over to our business section for a few tips to help get things moving again after the move.

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