Home Office

Office Essentials: 5 Must-Have Products for Your Home Office

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Are you working from home due to the pandemic?

Many of us have had to convert an area of our home into an office space, just so we can maintain a sense of normalcy while we get our work done. Having a remote home office can also help you keep yourself focused on your work so you can finish it quickly!

Unfortunately, your home office may be lacking some things that made your work office comfortable.

Here are some helpful office essentials you can use to make the most of your workday!

1. Standing Desk

Sitting for long hours can lead to poor posture and back pain, so it’s important that your at home desk can adjust to keep you comfortable. A home office desk that you can both sit and stand at can allow you to move your body, stretch, and correct your posture while you work! Standing desks also come with other health benefits like increased energy and lower blood sugar.

Even a portable laptop stand can make a difference for your neck and back pain. Check out these options from uncagedergonomics.com.

2. Ergonomic Chair

One of the most important home office supplies you should consider investing in is a comfortable office chair that supports you properly. Working remotely requires a chair comfortable enough to spend a lot of time in, and ergonomic chairs take your posture, health, and support into consideration.

3. External Webcam

Communicating with coworkers has become an integral part of everyone’s day. Since we can’t meet in-person, it’s important that we all do our part to make the most of video meetings.

You likely have a webcam on your laptop, but when you have to attend several Zoom meetings each week, you may want to invest in something with better video quality.

4. Noise-Canceling Headphones

If you have roommates or neighbors you can hear through the walls, you may find it difficult to concentrate throughout the day. Noise-canceling headphones can block out the distractions so you can get your work done more quickly!

Listening to music or white noise while you work may also help improve your productivity, so noise-canceling headphones can improve the experience!

5. Leafy Plants

If your office is starting to feel too much like the workplace when you want it to feel like home, try adding a few plants. Plants can bring some zen to your space and help you lower your stress levels and improve air quality.

This is a stressful time, but houseplants can help your mental health and give your home a sense of serenity.

At Home Office Essentials

Now that you have an idea of a few office essentials, you can start sprucing up your home office! We may be working from home for the foreseeable future, so investing in our office setups can keep us productive, focused, and comfortable as we adjust to the new normal.

Be sure to check back regularly for more work tips!

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