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9 of the Most Incredible CBD Studies Ever Published: 2020 Edition

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A whole 62 percent of CBD users use CBD to treat medical conditions. Science backs them up.

There have been a lot of scientific CBD studies in recent years. As use has increased, CBD research has come along with it. Did you know that studies show CBD can be used to treat everything from anxiety to chemotherapy-induced nausea?

We’re here to take an in-depth look at the most compelling CBD studies that shine a light on the medicinal qualities of this cannabis extract.

Ready to see the proof behind CBD’s astounding claims? Then read on and be amazed.

1. Cannabidiol Exerts Anti-Convulsant Effects in Animal Models of Temporal Lobe and Partial Seizures

CBD found its first claim to fame as a therapeutic tool in treating epilepsy. The Charlotte’s Web strain of cannabis, famously high in CBD and low in psychoactive THC was named for a young girl with epilepsy.

Charlotte Figi was having 300 seizures a week. CBD was able to stop these seizures, leaving her with just 2 or 3 a month.

In 2012, the British Epilepsy Association carried out the first of several comprehensive CBD studies about its use for treating epilepsy. The study showed a marked decrease in the number of test subjects that experienced seizures.

This was the first study to discover CBD’s anticonvulsant qualities.

When giving CBD to children, it is important to learn the difference between different kinds of CBD oil.

2. The CBD Research Round-Up

This paper, a round-up of many different CBD studies, is crucial in understanding the effects of the molecule. The study established many key facts that were, until now, unproven. These include:

  1. CBD is safe to use.
  2. More research is needed on CBD’s use outside of treating epilepsy and psychotic disorders.
  3. The most-reported side effects are minor, such as nausea.
  4. CBD lacks major side effects.
  5. It can be used as a supplemental therapy.

If you read just one paper from this list, make it this one. It will tell you everything that you need to know about CBD research.

3. The 2006 University of Naples Study

Way back in 2006, before CBD had entered the public consciousness, this university study was proving its medical benefits. The study showed that CBD exhibits neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory qualities.

As such, CBD could be of use in treating the conditions that cause Alzheimer’s Disease.

Alzheimer’s Disease causes oxidative stress on the brain. This eventually leads to the poisoning of the brain tissue. Although the precise mechanism is uncertain, it was found that CBD could protect cells from such damage.

4. Cannabis vs Opioid-Based Pain Medication: Patient Self-Report

This is one of the most important CBD studies out there. As the United States deals with the opioid epidemic, CBD looks as though it could be the solution to our problems.

According to this study, CBD was found to reduce the compulsion to take opioid painkillers. Not only was this the case, but 81 percent of patients found that CBD treated their condition better than opiate painkillers.

For those with chronic pain, such as sufferers from fibromyalgia and arthritis, CBD is a potent painkiller that isn’t habit-forming.

5. Liver Injury and CBD’s Potential Healing Effect

This bit of CBD research showed off one of the little-known effects of CBD. According to this research, CBD can help patients who have suffered liver injuries due to binge drinking or alcoholism.

The research showed that CBD reduced the number of harmful enzymes that were released. It also increased liver triglyceride counts.

It was also shown to be able to treat the harmful retention of lipids. This condition, known as fatty liver, can lead to cirrhosis.

6. The Antitumor Activity of Plant-Derived Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids

This review pulls together many different CBD studies that have shown CBD’s anti-tumor qualities.

The review showed that CBD has been found to reduce the growth of tumors and slow the spread of cancer. So far, these studies have not been replicated in humans.

If they can be replicated in human test subjects, CBD could become a powerful tool in helping to treat cancer.

7. Impact of Cannabis Use on the Development of Psychotic Disorders

If you’ve ever smoked pot and got paranoid, it could be as a result of too little CBD. In cannabis, CBD attenuates THC’s worse effects. As an extract, CBD has been shown to help protect and treat psychotic disorders.

This round-up shows that CBD could have potential as a treatment for schizophrenia and bipolar psychosis.

8. Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients

A huge proportion of American adults suffer from anxiety disorders. According to this study, CBD can help to reduce social anxiety during public speaking.

Other studies have also shown that CBD can reduce sleep difficulties and anxiety in those with post-traumatic stress disorder.

While cannabis is well-known for its ability to calm anxiety, it can also paradoxically cause anxiety due to THC’s effects. CBD alone does not seem to demonstrate any of these effects.

9. CBD Has Potential for Treating Drug Addiction

We have already covered the CBD studies that show its potential as an alternative to opioids. However, it has also been shown to treat addiction, not just prevent it.

In those suffering from drug addiction, the brain’s reward pathway is warped into needing the substance. According to this study, CBD has the potential to interfere with this pathway. As such, it can disrupt drug addiction, and make recovery easier.

CBD Studies Aren’t All You Need to Know

These CBD studies show the substance’s massive potential for use medicinally. However, before you begin treatment, you should always speak to your doctor.

CBD has few drug interactions, but there’s no guarantee that it won’t interfere with any existing medication that you’re taking. If your doctor agrees that CBD could be useful for you, begin treatment.

Take a look around our blog to find more ways to take care of yourself!

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