ways to learn a language

The Fastest and Easiest Ways to Learn a Language

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There are so many benefits to learning a second language, yet so few people actually do so. Why is that?

For many people, time is a constraint. They believe that they just don’t have enough time to learn another language, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

There are so many ways to learn a language, and some of them are extremely fast and easy. Here, we’ve gathered a few of the best.

Keep reading to find out how you can learn a language quickly and easily.

Identify Your Learning Style

Before you can jump into learning a new language, you need to know the best way that you personally learn. Otherwise, you’ll waste a lot of time using methods that just won’t work for you.

Here are the eight basic learning styles:

  • Naturalist. Learns from being out and experiencing nature.
  • Linguistic learner. Needs both spoken and written words to learn a new language.
  • Kinesthetic learner. Uses hands-on activities to learn.
  • Musical learner. Greatly benefits from using music or a rhythm in lessons.
  • Logical learner. Creates logical connections between words and concepts to understand them.
  • Visual learner. Learns through images and videos.
  • Intrapersonal learner. Needs to be alone to learn.
  • Interpersonal learner. Thrives in a group environment.

Carefully consider how you best learn or take a test to determine which of these will work best for you. Keep in mind that you likely learn in several ways, but will have some that are stronger than others.

The Best Ways to Learn a Language

Once you know your learning style you can use these tips to help you start reaching your goals.

Force Yourself to Use the Language

Our brains are designed to avoid things that make us uncomfortable, including struggling with a second language. For that reason, you need to force yourself to use the language if you want to learn it.

A great way to do this is to go somewhere that language is spoken exclusively, and refuse to rely on a translator to get around. If you’re learning Spanish, head to Latin America and soon you’ll be making small talk in Spanish.

Get a Language Partner

This is a great way to force yourself to learn a new language. Find someone that will commit to only speaking to you in the language you want to learn. Then, set some time aside as often as you can to just talk with them.

For many people, this can be easier than taking a class because it’s much more relaxed. A good language partner will be gracious and gently correct your mistakes so you can improve.

Avoid Rote Memorization

Your parents didn’t teach you English by going through a pack of flashcards over and over again, so what makes you think you’ll learn your second language that way?

Learning a new language through stories and real conversations will be far easier and faster than trying to cram information into your brain. Experts agree that meaningful learning is the best way to really understand what you’re learning.

Look for Learning Opportunities

No matter what you’re doing in your second language, you can find an opportunity to grow. Every mix-up and mistake in a conversation is a chance to learn the correct way to do things.

You can also find learning opportunities by taking simple steps like watching a movie in your second language. Or, switch your phone’s language settings to that language and start to pick up new words that way.

The more you look for opportunities to learn, the faster you’ll gain knowledge since you’ll be constantly looking for it. Learning will become a habit that happens all the time, not just something you do for a set time every day.

Commit to Daily Learning

Even if it’s only listening to a French podcast on your way to work, you need to make sure you’re doing something every single day if you want to learn a new language.

The more time you can devote, the better. However, what matters most is how consistent you are. Don’t take days off. Do some lighter activities some days, but don’t let yourself completely skip a day.

Use Your Learning Style

If you’re a naturalist, grab your learning materials and head out into nature. If you’re a musical learner, start jamming to pop songs in the language you’re trying to learn.

Linguistic learners should get a penpal and visual learners can start watching videos. If you’re an interpersonal learner, get a study group together. If you’re intrapersonal, lock yourself in the library to learn.

Get creative with it and in no time, you’ll not only thoroughly enjoy learning a new language, but you’ll start picking it up fast. When you learn the way your brain wants to learn, it makes a world of a difference.

Engage All the Senses

No matter what type of learner you are, you will benefit from using more than one sense together when learning a new language. When you bring together seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting, you’re much more likely to remember new words.

An easy way to do this is to hop on YouTube and follow along with a how-to cooking video in the language you’re learning. You’ll be able to hear what they’re saying, see what they’re doing, feel and smell the food as you make it, and taste it at the end.

Teach Someone Else

The absolute best way to learn something is to teach it. In fact, studies have shown that you remember around 90% of what you teach to others.

It’s as easy as finding someone else that wants to learn that same language and offering to teach them as you learn. Or, talk to your partner about what you learned that day while eating dinner.

Want More Educational Posts?

By understanding these ways to learn a language, you’ll be ready to take on the world! Be willing to work hard, be consistent, and get creative.

If you’re looking for something else interesting to learn about, check out our educational blog posts. There’s something there for everyone, so you’re sure to find something that will pique your interest.

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