leaky pipe

How to Identify (and Fix) a Leaky Pipe

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If you have a leaky pipe located somewhere in your home, it can cause big problems for you and your family.

A leaky pipe can waste quite a bit of water. It can also lower the water pressure throughout your entire home. And of course, if you allow a pipe to continue leaking for too long, it can cause a ton of property damage and cost you a fortune.

It’s not something that will usually be covered by your home insurance policy, either.

Fortunately, it’s not all that difficult to identify a leaky plumbing pipe, if you know what to look for. You can also fix a pipe that’s leaking quickly as long as it hasn’t spiraled too far out of control.

Take a look at how to identify a leaky pipe and fix it below.

Check Your Home’s Water Meter Every Now and Then

One of simplest ways to spot a leaky plumbing pipe in your home, even if it’s hidden behind a wall or above a ceiling, is by going and taking a look at your home’s water meter.

Your water meter is designed to keep track of how much water you use on a regular basis. When someone is running a sink or taking a shower, you will see the water meter spinning very quickly. When no water is being used, it will be still.

You should take a look at it when you’re sure no one is using any water in your home. You can even shut the water off entirely to ensure that there is no water coming into your home.

If the water meter continues to spin in these instances, you likely have a leaky pipe that is allowing water to flow even though it’s not being used.

Keep an Eye on Your Home’s Water Pressure

Outside of using your home’s water meter to detect a leak in your plumbing system, you can also keep an eye on your home’s water pressure to do it.

Has the water pressure in your home taken a nosedive recently? If so, it could be because a leak in your system is stopping the pressure from building up in your plumbing pipes.

There are going to be occasions when your water pressure is low because of something other than a leak. So don’t jump to conclusions and diagnose your home with a leak simply because the water pressure is low for a day.

But if you consistently have low water pressure in your home, a leak could potentially be to blame.

Listen Out for Dripping Caused by Leaky Pipes

It can be difficult to hear what’s happening behind the walls in your home.

But if you’re home alone one day and you hear a slow, steady drip that sounds like it’s coming from behind a wall, it could be an indication that you have a leak.

There are other things that can also cause sounds behind walls. For example, you could have pests in your home. The sounds could also just be your home shifting around at times.

But if you hear the unmistakable sound of a plumbing leak, it’ll be time for you to investigate it further.

Look for Discolorations on Your Home’s Walls and Ceilings

Are there wet spots on the wall in your hallway? Or do you have a big brown spot on the ceiling in your living room?

These are some of the most obvious signs of a leaky plumbing pipe in your plumbing system. Any discoloration on a wall or ceiling is usually an indication of moisture located in places you can’t see.

While you don’t need to overreact to the situation and tear down a whole wall to investigate a leak, you might want to consider cutting a small hole to see if you can find a leak.

You will usually find a pipe that has a leak in it located somewhere near the discoloration.

Attempt to Fix a Pipe That’s Leaking on Your Own

Did you finally get to the bottom of your plumbing leak and find the leaky pipe that’s been causing you so many problems?

You’ve won the first part of the battle, but there is still work that needs to be done.

You will need to fix the pipe in order to stop the leaking from taking place. And there are several ways that you can do it.

You should begin by shutting off the water coming into your home so that you don’t cause any more water to leak. Then, you should use one of these three methods:

  1. Apply plumbers epoxy into the leak in your pipe, allow it to harden, and then turn the water back on and check for signs of leaks
  2. Take a plastic or rubber patch, place it on top of the leak in your pipe, cover it with electrical tape, and then put a clamp on it before turning your water back on
  3. Use duct tape to cover your leaky plumbing pipe if you’re really in a bind and want it to stop leaking water all over the place

The third option isn’t going to be a good permanent solution. But the first two can help you live in your home and use your plumbing system without worrying about your leak.

Contact a Plumber for Help If You Need It

If you don’t have much experience dealing with plumbing problems, you might not feel comfortable fixing a leaky plumbing pipe on your own.

There are plenty of plumbers who will be willing to lend a hand. Fixing a pipe that’s leaking isn’t as time-consuming as it might seem. It also shouldn’t cost you too much to get your leak plugged so you can start using your water again.

Stop a Leaky Pipe From Doing Damage to Your Home Today

A small leaky pipe in your plumbing system can turn into a big headache in no time.

You should take care of it as soon as you notice to prevent it from becoming a bigger problem than it has to be.

Check out our blog to find out other helpful tips for taking care of your home.

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