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The Most In Demand Jobs Straight Outta College

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60% of Americans take until their 40s to fully pay off their student debts. Knowing this, you probably want to get started on repaying those loans as soon as possible so you can be debt-free earlier in life.

Here are some of the most in-demand jobs for once you’ve graduated from college.


An actuary is someone who calculates financial costs for risk. You can expect to earn around $93k a year.

You only need a bachelor’s degree and a background in business, math, and stats. However, you do have to pass a series of rigorous tests in order to become a certified actuary.

Civil Engineers

The average salary for civil engineers is $79k a year. This is another job you only need a bachelor’s degree for.

Going into this career can be ideal if you enjoy working both indoors and out in the field. You’ll get to design and construct various projects and systems, such as bridges, roads, and tunnels.

High School Teacher

High school teachers have a more modest median salary of $43k per year, but they’re high in demand. Most likely, you can find a job straight out of college, plus you’ll get short work days and three months off for summer.

Software Developer

All you need to become a software developer is a bachelor’s degree in computer science and computer programming skills. Expect to earn around $90k a year.

If you don’t have exemplary skills at coding, then consider taking a course at somewhere like Code Academy so you can brush up on skills real quick.

Information Security Analyst

If you’re looking for a fast-growing job, then this is it. You can make an average salary of $86k per year. To be a candidate for this career, you need a bachelor’s degree in computer science or you can make up for it with relevant experience.

In this job, you’ll be responsible for protecting your company’s network and data from cyber attacks. This means you’ll have the flexibility of working in practically any industry.

Computer Systems Analysts

Computer systems analysts make an average of $79k per year. You can apply for this job if you have a bachelor’s degree in computer or information science. You can also be a liberal art major so long as you have computer programming skills.


The demand for nurses has only grown in the last few years, so you’ll have plenty of options to choose from if you go this route. The average salary is $47k per year and you don’t need much education. Either a two or four-year program will suffice, although you’ll get higher pay if you go the four-year route.

Secure the Most In-Demand Jobs

With the most in-demand jobs, not only can you find a job easily, but you can also get better pay as well. Even before you graduate, start searching for these jobs so you can get a jump start on your career and make money as soon as possible.

Want to read more about jobs? Then take a look at our blog articles.

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