Electricity Saving

5 Easy and Effective Ways to Save on Electricity

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Opening your electric bill, especially during certain months of the year, can be shocking. It almost Hertz to look at. You see the cost and your mind begins to short circuit.

Ok, enough with the puns.

Reducing your energy consumption can certainly be a challenge, but how can you put the power into your own hands?

Keep reading to learn all the ways to save on electricity.

5 Easy and Effective Ways to Save on Electricity

Slashing your utility bills can be much easier than you expect. Knowing these 5 easy and effective ways to save on electricity can be a lifesaver:

1. Be Mindful About Your Energy Usage

Turning off a light or appliance when you are not using it is a great place to start. Adapting your day-to-day lifestyle to remember to flip that switch when you’re leaving a room or to power down, electronics is an essential habit to form.

Some appliances, however, use “phantom power”, even though they are turned off. According to Save On Energy, 75% of the electricity that these appliances consume comes when they are not even on. To stop the appliance from wasting passive electricity, you will need to unplug the appliance from the power source.

Afraid of losing programmed settings if you unplug your TV? Most modern TVs and appliances can keep their settings in the event of being unplugged or a power outage. Smart power strips are also an option for those electronics that absolutely must stay plugged in.

2. Optimize Your Heating and Air Conditioning Units

Regular self-maintenance of your heating and air conditioning units (HVAC) can save you money on energy as well as improving the overall air quality inside your home. Simply changing the air filter regularly will keep debris from building up, allow maximum airflow, and keep your HVAC performing at the highest level.

You should also have your HVAC serviced once every 2-3 years. Having a professional in for an inspection can prevent any potential issues and prolong the life of your unit.

3. Install Energy Efficient Lighting

The cost of energy-efficient lightbulbs is slightly more upfront but will pay off in the long run. Look for LED or compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFL) to replace the classic, incandescent bulbs. The low efficiency and shorter lifespan of incandescent bulbs result in a higher electric bill and the need to be replaced more often.

Upgrading your most-used light sources with energy-efficient bulbs can save you $8.33 per month, according to USA Today. These bulbs typically last around 10 years, so those savings add up.

4. Protect Against the Weather

Sealing leaks and drafts around doors and windows is a smart way to save on energy. Weatherstripping is a great and cost-effective way to upgrade the seal around your doors, while caulking or plastic works around your windows.

Replacing or upgrading the insulation in your home can be pricy, but is well worth it. Good insulation will allow you to keep your temperature the same year-round and reduces the need for any added heating or cooling.

5. Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances

You don’t need to run out and buy all new appliances. However, when the time comes for you to upgrade, look for the Energy Star label. An Energy Star approved appliance can massively reduce your energy usage and slash your energy bills by 30%.

Let’s Make a Plan

Saving energy can be easy and doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Just being conscious of the things using electricity in your home and knowing when to turn them off is a strong starting point. If you make a plan using these 5 tips and stick to it, you can save a lot of energy and money.

Looking for help or more ways to save on electricity? Check out the rest of our site today!

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