inner self

3 Amazing Tips For Someone Looking To Connect With Their Inner Self

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Is your inner self still waiting to get out? You have countless opportunities in life’ journey. Don’t overlook the most important opportunity of them all.

The world is constantly changing around you. Most choices you make are in response to those changes. But do you understand why you make one choice over another?

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The inner voice is something which cannot be described in words. But sometimes we have a positive feeling that something in us prompts us to do a certain thing.”

What is the Inner Self?

If you watch a child, you will notice she is unapologetic in showing her true self. The world changes her into the adult of tomorrow.

That true self still exists–how can she get in touch with that authentic self again?

The ‘inner self’ has become a cliche. But working to understand oneself is a best practice acknowledged by spiritual and medical professionals alike.

Once you connect with your inner self, you will find that this connection bares on all aspects of your life. In that way, your journey leads to an improved experience for others–your family, friends, and colleagues.

3 Best Practices for Realizing Your Inner Self

You may be at the beginning of your journey inward. Fortunately, the journey is more intuitive than you might think. These simple best practices will give you the best start towards realizing your true self and the future you can bring.

Engage in Purposeful Reflection

You are not simply a reactionary. Your actions stem from the conclusions you make about the people and the world around you. Those realizations are rooted in your deepest self.

Many people become caught up in a flurry of emotions. They can also be blind to the perspective of others. But we make our best decisions when we’re fully aware of ourselves and our situations.

You can take a few moments to contemplate your decisions, behaviors, and emotions. Ask yourself, ‘why do I feel persecuted?’ ‘Why am I embarrassed?’

In many cases, these negative emotions have no bearing in real life. They are the product of our neuroses and a lack of engagement with our inner selves.

Look into yourself as one looking into another person. You will see that many of these fears come from a misunderstanding of ourselves and of others.

Consider the emotions of others as well. Our perception of persecution may stem from the anger of someone who is actually hurting or scared.

Take Part in Healthy Behaviors

Western society provides hundreds of ways to build muscular and cardiovascular health. Although important, there are other healthy behaviors to adopt as well.

Breathing exercises are simple and effective. They are also frequently overlooked. But health experts agree that breathing exercises increase relaxation and reduce stress.

Yoga is good for muscle health and self-discipline. It provides opportunities for deep reflection as well. Arranging your body decisively frees you from the distractions of choice so you can turn your thoughts inward.

Spiritual practice has measurable health benefits as well–physical and beyond. According to Sri and Kira Spiritual Ascension, “Once the physical needs are met… one looks deeper and begins a conscious spiritual journey.”

Allow Yourself to Love

Nothing speaks more powerfully to us than the emotions of love. Our love is often strangled by societal conditions and our own insecurities. But we can free ourselves from those bonds.

Bypass fear of embarrassment by committing to your love entirely. Stand by your love as you express it to others.

Building that bridge between your inner self and those whom you care most about is a gift they won’t forget. Have confidence when you feel a connection, even if the other feigns embarrassment.

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