App Selling

How to Make an App and Then Sell It for a High Profit

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With the world taking a digital turn and everything going online, it’s almost impossible for a business to survive without a mobile application. Both businesses and individuals now depend on apps for many things.

According to Sensor Tower, the amount people spend on Google Play and App Store in 2019 alone hit $39.7 billion. The mobile app market is indeed continuing to record tremendous growth.

As an app developer, you must take a share of this revenue and participate in the growth. One way to do that is to learn how to make an app and sell them at a profit. But since this is a business like any other, you need a good knowledge of how things work.

Well, we’re here to offer you a step-by-step guide on how to create an app and sell it at a profit.

Come up With a Plan on How to Make an App

One of the essential stages of creating an app is having an appropriate plan that will work out. Creating an app itself is a brilliant idea, but this won’t work if you don’t plan appropriately. You need to put your app idea onto paper.

Creating this idea and turning it into a real app is not an easy task. But with a solid plan, you’ll be steps closer to making your plan work. A plan will work as simple, laid down rules that determine how you’re going to achieve your goals and success.

A solid plan helps you prepare for the unexpected things you must face in the long run with your app business. It’s an incredible first step to take in-app creation.

Conduct Market Research

The market is very complicated and can mess up your entire business plan if you don’t take time to investigate and understand how things work. The app market can be lucrative, but you must know that there is a lot of competition that you must prepare for.

Market research helps you find out how the app market behaves, consumer preferences, competitors, and target customers. The research will also help you determine which apps are already in the market and which ones are not yet out there.

Know how the apps already in the market are doing. Sometimes, knowing the behavior of an app in the market can help you come up with ideas that make your new creation better and more competitive. You can even create the same kind of app already in the market, but make them better.

Identify the Market Gap

To sell something, you must know that there is a dire need for such a particular product in the market. App creation needs to take into consideration what consumers need and work on providing that. If you don’t identify the market gap before an app creation, you might end up creating something that no one needs.

Take your time to find out your target customers’ needs and see how the app will help them. Can they survive without the app? What solutions is your app going to provide?

Consider several questions that can help ensure you introduce your app to the market and sell it. You don’t want to take it to the market then have no buyers willing to use it.

Start Building the App

Now that you know what awaits you in the market, it’s time to start the actual work of building your mobile application. This could be the most challenging part, but it’s not so complicated if you already know how to make your app.

If you trust yourself fully, you can carry out the whole process of creating wireframes, interfaces, and do backend testing all by yourself. Alternatively, you can get an app builder to do everything for you. Using an app maker is important if you have more experience in app development.  

Test Your App

Well, you must have been doing some testing while still making the app to ensure you don’t mess up things. Once you’re done, your app testing process needs to commence immediately. You need to put the final product to the test and see if it’s indeed working and worth introducing to the market.

Use different devices to test your app and ask different people to do the test for you and give you honest feedback. Gifting people is also a brilliant way to get others’ opinions and use it to grow your business.

You’re likely to meet some problems in the testing stage. Ensure you identify and appreciate every feedback. You should then think of ways to resolve the problems before releasing your app to the market.

Making Money From Your App

Now you’ve successfully created your app and are ready to take it out to start serving its purpose. But wait, you’re not going to use all that effort only for people to download and use your app free of charge. You need some motivation to continue doing excellent work, and that comes in monetary value.  

You deserve to make some money out of your sweat, and the good news is that there are many ways to do so. You can monetize your app by paid apps, subscriptions, advertising, affiliate marketing, in-app purchases, etc.

How you make money, and the amount you make, depends on the type of app you came out with. If you create a gaming app with incredible voice actors, in-app purchases can be a great way to make money. Service apps can earn you money through subscriptions.

If you don’t go through all the hassle of soliciting for money in various ways, you can just decide to sell your app and make a huge profit once and for all. But don’t get envious when your app buyer manages to make millions of it, because there is a chance your app can be more valuable than you predicted.

That’s How You Create and Sell an App

If you’re asking how to make an app, this guide is all you need, as it makes everything simple and straightforward. You need no rocket science, unnecessary expenditures, and midnight coffee to keep you awake. Also, think of plenty of methods that you can use to earn money from your app and find the most suitable one.

Don’t stop at that. We will still be here with more tech and business information that can help you grow as an app developer. Browse through our site and learn everything you need to know in the business world.

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